


アメリカ短期留学 ホームステイ研修①




1年 H. Y.

I went to Philadelphia and New York in December. There were a lot of first experiences. I did a homestay in Philadelphia. At first, I got nervous but my hostfamily was very friendly. We went to church, made cookies and played cards. It was really fun.

I went to Perkiomen School for three days. I made lots of friends. The atmosphere was completely different from Japan. There were Japanese students there too, who weren’t on homestay. I think they were amazing. Everyone was very kind so it was a very fun three days. After that, I went to New York for sightseeing. I saw the Statue of Liberty.  I went to the UN, World Trade Center and watched a musical on Broadway. I was able to experience things that I couldn’t in Japan. I will never forget Times Square. I also visited Columbia University and my concept of university has changed.

Through this homestay, I learned lots of things. I conversed in English. But I couldn’t speak as much as I wanted.  It was very frustrating. So I want to be able to speak English and go there again someday. Those nine days became the memory of a lifetime.


1年 K. R.

My classmates and I went to Philadelphia and New York for the winter holiday. I learned three things in this short-term study abroad.

The first thing is to have courage. If you shut down just because you don’t speak English, the other person will not understand. I made a lot of gestures, which helped my feelings be transmitted. I was very happy when I able to say what I wanted to say.

Second, it’s important to say if you don’t need anything. American people provide a variety of services, and will give you a lot unless you refuse. I got a lot of food at school breakfast. At that time, I was full from eating pizza and bread together. My schoolmate thought this was really funny.

Third, it is important to say hello. American people greet more than Japanese people. They also hug and shake hands. I like this custom. So I want to do it more in Japan. These experiences are not possible in Japan, so I want to continue to experience more.

Now I want to go abroad on my own.  I also want to see Logan and my friends over there.


2年 M. A.

I went to America for about a week to study abroad. I experienced and learned many things. I spent time in Philadelphia with my host family, sightseeing and going to Perkiomen School. We also went shopping, watched movies and went to church. It was my first time going to church. It was very hard to understand. It was a bit like a class about Christianity. My host family was very kind and funny so I had a good time.

I went to many places in Philadelphia, for example, Independence House, the Liberty Bell Center, a printing house and the Barnes Foundation. I was glad when I saw all of the places I learned about from Western Culture class in person.

I went to Perkiomen School for three days. I took classes with my schoolmate. My schoolmate was very friendly, kind and smart. I joined a club after school. The most impressive thing was that I made things with a laser printer.

We went to New York on the last day. We went to Columbia University, The United Nation and Times Square, and we saw Frozen on Broadway at night. I like Disney so I was very happy and I was moved.

I realized during the week that the other people understood me even if my grammar was wrong, so I learned that I should say what I want to say without worrying about my grammar.